So I can officially call this an art blog because I am about to do my first ART POST! Woo Hoo!!
This little guy's name is Kajinga, He's going to be in my thesis film for my BA. Woot! This is the 2nd time I modeled a character in Maya and after many suggestions (and tutorials) I am confident to post a few shots of him. Mind you, this character will be rigged. And after he has been completed I will be working on his "Nemesis" (Dun Dun Duuun!) I am still tyring to figure out what color I want him to be. Obviously this is an amature mistake in character design that I will be considering much earlier on my next character...
This is a
Light Kajinga color scheme. When I did my Flash exercise of him running this was about the color of him (I'll upload that later).
This is the Dark Kajinga color scheme. He looks slightly more menacing but that's pretty obvious, He looks a bit more imp-ish here. I'm not sure how I fell about that yet lol
As it is 3AM and I have been up since 8AM working on this bugger, I just got the idea that if my workload gets to heavy later in the semester, I could always do a Light vs Dark film with BOTH versions! Hmm... It's been done but hopefully the animation will add a new twist to the ageless conflict of the two opposing forces... maybe;)
Well, It's Labor Day and instead of hanging out. I am going to be locked in my room doing homework for the other classes I neglected in todays (yesterdays) Maya battle... :( :( :(
Oh well, I can just consider Maya my new girlfriend now I guess. I don't know how my Drawing Pad will feel about this...
More to come later:)
...That is if sanity doesn't find me. And yes, I did mean sanity;)